I published the following article on my website and as a leaflet in 1998 .It is still relevant today although I appreciate there are minor changes to procedures e.g. street witnessing using literature stands, rather than door-to-door in some countries.
If You Study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses.....
In their 1999 Service Year Report, Jehovah's Witnesses claimed an average of
4,433,884 Bible Studies. Some of these do not last long - a Study is reported by a Publisher [preacher] after only three Return Visits on average and may be stopped soon afterwards. World-wide, hundreds of thousands of Witnesses are leaving the religion annually, but Witnesses still baptised 323,439 converts. Many of these are the children of Witness parents, but the public are still canvassed regularly. What can you expect if you show an interest in Jehovah's Witnesses?
NOTE: Some JWs have accused me of lying in the following article because such things are not a part of their JW experience (not all of them happened to me either). Obviously (!) I am not suggesting that all things happen to all people at all times in all places.
The following is a composite of what happens in the experience of most people as they become Witnesses. If the teacher follows the Watchtower Society's guidelines, most of these things will happen to the student.
One day, when you are feeling a little depressed or lonely, two friendly JWs will call at your home and tell you about a New World of righteousness and peace coming “soon”, where families will live happily in security - free from unemployment and uncertainty or divorce, disease and death. They will offer you some of their literature to read. Later, with your permission, they will continue to call at your home to answer your questions, about once each week. Each time they visit, the original caller may bring a different companion.
They will invite you to have a Bible study to examine their beliefs using a book - a “study aid” - published by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. For an hour each week, you will examine different subjects which JWs have prepared to explain God’s purpose for us and for our planet, based on their interpretation of the Bible.
You will be encouraged to use their (Revised) New World Translation of the Bible which, the Witnesses say, is the best available because it uses "the Divine Name" throughout. They will tell you that God’s name was removed, so Witness translators inserted the name “Jehovah” in the New Testament where the Greek word for “Lord” appears, as they deemed appropriate.
The "Bible study" is done by reading the book, paragraph by paragraph and answering simple questions on each one. You will be encouraged to find the answers in the paragraph. Then you will be shown Bible texts which, JWs say, prove the point. You will be praised for your answers and your appreciation for what you are learning.
If you insist on using only the Bible, JWs may do so, but it is unlikely to be a contextual study. You will be impressed to see an unlettered and ordinary person find scriptures throughout the Bible which answer all your questions - no matter the subject - and which appear to be in harmony. Later you will realise that all the topics covered were prepared by your discipler using Watchtower publications.
If you pose questions about JWs' 100 year history or doctrine, they will give you answers from Watchtower literature references - or the Proclaimers book - their official history. Kingdom Halls have libraries of Watchtower publications, but few non-Witness reference works.
You will be discouraged from examining independent sources, especially those written by "apostates" - former-Witnesses who are "haters of the truth” - whose only motives, they say, are personal revenge or monetary gain. In contrast, you will learn to trust your Witness disciplers who are decent, friendly people, without ulterior motives.
Each time they call, your JW disciplers will offer you more Watchtower reading material which, they say, is essential to your understanding the Bible.You will not have to pay for this, but donations will be accepted. Usually, the Witnesses themselves will have already given "a donation" for this literature which they offer you.
You will be invited to the Kingdom Hall, where you will be warmly greeted by all and especially by the people who have already met you. You will be very impressed by the friendliness of the congregation members, their interest in you and their invitation to return. As you continue your weekly study, you will be encouraged to attend all five meetings regularly (on three days) and warmly commended for your attendance.
During this period, you will be surprised by the amount of knowledge you are accumulating through the meetings and publications of the Watchtower Society which, you will eventually learn, is an international corporation with Branch Offices and extensive property throughout the world
You will learn that there are two classes of Witnesses: a “little flock” (closed since 1935) will go directly to heaven to be with God, if they remain faithful to death.
You will be one of a Great Crowd who may live forever in Paradise on earth. If you die truly faithful before Armageddon, you will be resurrected. During 1,000 years in the New World, you will prove your faith by good works, then you will have another test. If you pass that test, you will live forever on earth.
You will be taught that JWs are the only true religion in all the earth and that every other person on this planet -- Christians included -- is controlled by the Devil. But "soon" at Armageddon, Jehovah will destroy all opposers -- people who do not accept "Bible truth as taught by Jehovah's Witnesses". After this great battle, there will be billions of bodies on earth including the innocent children of opposers and the few people who survive Armageddon under Jehovah's protection will have to clear them and bury them to make a paradise out of this planet.
Over the weeks and months, as you become serious about becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses, your habits and your personality will change.
You won't be seen in your usual pubs, clubs and discos. You will stop smoking. Your friends will wonder why you don’t send them Xmas cards or accept birthday presents now. They won’t understand why you won’t come to the cinema to see “18” or perhaps even “15-rated” films any more.
Your choice of music will change: you may throw out some of your CD collection because you consider them “unsuitable” now or believe them to be “influenced by Satan”. You may stop attending rock concerts too.
You will stop voting or taking a serious interest in politics, the environment or current affairs because “soon”, all earth’s problems will be solved by God at Armageddon.
You may reduce your business commitments or seek new employment and you will definitely leave the Armed Forces or Volunteer Reserves.
You may stop using the internet or reduce your use of it because you were warned that "apostates" - former JWs - have websites which tell lies about "Jehovah and his Organsation".
Friends and family will notice these things. You will tell them that these are your choices which you have made to please God. You will see their apparent interference as persecution from the Devil -- just as JWs told you would happen. Witnesses will confirm that Satan may be using your loved ones to prevent you studying with them.
This knowledge may make you withdraw still further from friends and family and will, in turn, make them still more anxious for your welfare. A vicious circle may be in operation and your friends, family and workmates will notice that you do not speak to them so freely any more or socialise with them so often.
Your appearance will change. If you wore clothes which emphasised your femininity in any way, these will be replaced by loose-fitting, below-the-knee dresses. You will wear less make-up. You will stop wearing trousers all of the time. Neck-lines will be raised. You may change your hairstyle. As you make these changes, Witnesses will emphasise their approval of you. You will believe sincerely that these were all free choices made by you to "please Jehovah".
If you are a male with hair longer than collar-length, you will have it cut.You will probably shave off your beard and you will remove your ear-ring or body piercing jewellery. You will feel out of place dressed as before. You will realise that even expensive and stylish casual clothes are not accepted as "proper" dress. You will start wearing ties and suits and you will carry a brief-case. Your JW friends will approve of these changes.
After a few months, you may be attending the Kingdom Hall regularly. If you work irregular hours, you will be encouraged to change, or adjust your employment to avoid missing these precious meetings which are important to attend, if you wish to make progress and please God.
You will be allowed to accompany JWs in their preaching after you "qualify". The elders will make discreet enquiries about your personal life, ambitions and habits. You may not realise they are doing this, but it is always done before you can represent "Jehovah's clean people".
An announcement will be made to inform the congregation when you are acepted as an Unbaptised Publisher (preacher). JWs will congratulate you and commend you for the progress you are making. Now, although not fully recognised as a Witness, you will be subject to congregation discipline. You can preach and report the time spent doing so each month.
You will have your own literature order for “placing” with the public. You will not have to pay for this, but you will realise that contributing shows “appreciation for Jehovah's organisation". You will be encouraged to accept donations for this literature when you give it to members of the public "without charge". You will be told to put the money into a special box at the Kingdom Hall.
After about 6-9 months, you will be encouraged to consider baptism if you have been “making progress” - conforming to JW teachings. You will be told that this is an important step if you wish to please Jehovah God. It is essential to your future life because Armageddon is coming "soon" and only those who are dedicated, baptised and approved JWs will survive into the New World.
Your friends and preferred associates will all be Jehovah's Witnesses now. If you are engaged, you may be advised to break off the engagement if your fiance/e has no interest in “the truth” and will not have a Bible study with the intention of becoming a Witness.
If you are living with someone in common-law marriage, you will have to finish it or formalise it. If your partner does not marry you, for whatever reason - even if s/he has been faithful to you for many years and has had children with you and has no intention of ever leaving you - you will have to terminate the relationship and leave the children behind before you can be baptised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Of course, you are free to stop your Bible study at any time if you wish, but you will know by now that this would be a rejection of Jehovah God and you would risk eternal destruction at Armageddon which is “imminent”.
Before your baptism, you will meet the elders of your congregation. They will review your understanding of JW teachings. Your answers will be based on JW interpretation of the Bible -- not your own opinions. It is not an examination, but is intended to help you realise the seriousness of the commitment you are making “to Jehovah”. After this, you will be eligible for baptism at the next circuit assembly. At the baptism, you will be asked:
(1) On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
(2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?
After your baptism, you will be warmly congratulated by your JW colleagues and encouraged to keep progressing “in the truth” (the JW religion)
You are now one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and subject to all their laws and discipline. From now on, your life will revolve around the activities of your local congregation.
Your desire to “please Jehovah” will influence all your decisions as you follow the instructions of the Governing Body - an all-male committee - in Brooklyn. Their rulings may change at any time as "the Faithful and Discreet Slave" receives “new light”. This “faithful steward” is God’s appointed spokesman and you will soon accept their applications of scripture without question.
In the past thirty years, [before 1998, when this was originally written] they have made rulings on: sexual intimacy in marriage; practice of martial arts; suitable movies; using leeches in medicine; declaring bankruptcy; playing chess; celebrating birthdays; dating after divorce; use of blood as fertiliser; “test-tube” babies; joining a club for nudists; lotteries; use of wind-chimes as home decoration; growing a beard; organ transplants; breaking engagements; drinking a toast; consuming tea/ coffee; suitable TV viewing; use of cosmetics/ jewellery; masturbation; inter-racial marriages; hunting/ fishing; contraception methods; university education; appropriateness of various employments - to name just a few. [The Governing Body - the leadership - are still telling JWS what is appropriate behaviour today, in 2015]. Some of these things are acceptable for Witnesses. Others are not. But the decision will not be yours, if you wish to remain a Jehovah's Witness in good standing.
After your baptism, you must obey the “faithful slave” for as long as you wish to remain a part of "Jehovah's organisation". If you disregard the advice of the local "appointed elders" and make decisions for yourself about certain things, you will be called before a "judicial committee", a closed and secret court of at least three men. (This happens often among Jehovah's Witnesses). You will be asked to explain your actions.
If, for example, you are suspected of sexual misdemeanours of any kind, even if you are a young, single woman, you will be expected to tell these men full details of what you did, and with whom, and how often, and who touched who, and where, and many other intimate things. If you show an "unrepentant attitude" about this by failing to cooperate, you will be disfellowshipped and a brief announcement will made to tell the whole congregation. Then, unless you realise the error of your ways and eventually seek to be reinstated, all of Jehovah's Witnesses and any who are close family, will shun you and have nothing more to do with you ever again. In your "unrepentant condition", you will be destroyed forever, "soon at Armageddon".
To be one of Jehovah's Witnesses, from first contact to baptism, takes about 9-18 months.
On the other hand, you might choose Christianity - a moral, happy and fulfilled life with friends who truly love you for who you are, spiritually and secularly - within the guidelines of Christian freedom and with the prospect of eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Copyright (c) Witness Aid UK 1998 & 2015