Chapter 10
Spirit Creatures - How They Affect Us
The book says;
We should want to get to know God’s family. It is made up of millions of angels. They were created by Jesus long before humans.
Angels have always had an interest in humans and God used them to help people like Lot, Daniel and Peter. Although they do not appear today, “God’s powerful angels still protect his people, especially from anything spiritually harmful”. Like the Devil, some angels were rebels. They came down to earth as humans, to take wives. At the Flood, these angels left their bodies behind and returned to heaven, taking sides with Satan.
The demons use spiritism to mislead people. One form of spiritism is divination. This includes tarot cards, astrology, palmistry, omens, signs, dreams and inquiring of the dead through spirit mediums. Spirits speak through the medium, pretending to be a dead relative.
If we wish to break free from spiritism, we need to follow the example of early Christians who burned their expensive magic books. “That includes books, magazines, movies, posters and music recordings that encourage the practice of spiritism” as well as “amulets or other items worn for protection against evil”. We need to put on spiritual armour to protect ourselves. One item is “the large shield of faith” which we can strengthen by daily Bible study. We can pray for Jehovah’s protection too. “Of course, we need to use Jehovah ‘s name in our prayers”.
If good spirits exist, then there is no reason why bad spirits also may exist, but we have to take the Bible’s word for it. Again, it’s a question of faith.I have already pointed out the Watchtower leaders’ falsifying of scripture, here repeated from Colossians. Jesus made ALL things, not “all other things”.
God’s angels probably do protect his people, but “his people” are Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, not disciples of the false Christ of the Watchtower.
Indeed, it is wise to separate ourselves from the black arts and spiritism, but it’s important not go crazy, throwing out all your jewellery or heavy metal CDs and posters just because someone disapproves (and I’m talking about overbearing Christians here too). Think about it carefully and use good judgement. If you love God and the ways of peace, you will naturally be inclined to turn away from nasty, aggressive entertainment.
As for the future, you do not need to be anxious or consult horoscopes to tell you how to live your life. People who consult astrologers do so in fear and uncertainty, but Christians have a secure future in Christ. We shouldn’t be afraid of demons because Christ holds his followers in his own hands, protecting them from evil.
There is another spirit deserving mention: the Holy Spirit. Contrary, to Watchtower teaching, the Holy Spirit is a person and not “an active force, like electricity”. While the Watchtower leaders accept that a spirit like Satan is a person who may communicate with humans, they deny the Holy Spirit, who has the same attributes as other spirits. We read of the Holy Spirit sending people, talking to them, advising them, influencing them and protecting them.
This denial by the Watchtower is because the Holy Spirit is a third aspect of God in the Christian teaching of the Trinity.
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