Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings -- #19 -- Remain in God’s Love

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings - #19
Chapter 19 -- Remain in God’s Love
The book says;
“We are living in stormy times. World conditions are going from bad to worse”. 
God is our refuge like a shelter from a storm.
We need to appreciate how God has shown love for us. “Think of some of the Bible teachings you have learned with the aid of this book”. 
Jehovah has given this earth to us, told us his name and allowed “Jesus to suffer and die for us” giving “us hope for a wonderful future”. Jehovah’s “Messianic Kingdom…. will soon bring an end to all suffering and will make the earth a paradise”.
“God had given us guidance on how to live” and “the gift of prayer”..... Love for God is much more than a feeling“. It is only a start. We must  observe his commandments and show our love for Jehovah by our actions. “What, then, are Jehovah’s commandments that we need to observe?”
We must never stop learning about Jehovah. It is like stoking a fire so that it does not go out. Otherwise, our love will cool off. Prayer is also important. “We need to speak to Jehovah as a child would talk to a beloved father“, with respect.  “Personal Bible study and prayer” are “private”, but we also must preach publicly, for this “increases your own faith….. Staying busy in such work helps you to remain in God‘s love….. The kingdom preaching work is urgent” because “the great day of Jehovah is near! It is near and it is approaching very quickly!
We must attend meetings to strengthen the “love and friendship in the congregation…… Do not expect perfection from your fellow believers…. All are at different stages of spiritual growth .... Build close friendships with those who love Jehovah intensely”.
“Jehovah rewards his faithful servants with life,,…. The real life is something we hope to attain in the future, yes, when we are perfect”
We will enjoy future benefits and life if we serve God in the approved way and “have the hope of enjoying the real life“.
My response:
Until the 1960s, Jehovah’s Witnesses conducted “Bible” studies with interested people over several, even many, years. At a time when people still believed the Bible, it was a friendly, weekly, social call. After a few years of such contact, the Witness would suggest that the interested person might like to attend a meeting or convention and gradually, after perhaps ten years, the student would finally be at the stage where you are now, after 19 weeks.
This change came about thanks to an ingenious marketing plan, in which I was a willing participant, in the late 60s. It was decided that, “due to the urgency of the times before 1975”, those studying should have only about 6 months to make up their minds about joining Jehovah’s Witnesses. Then the Bible study would be stopped, so that another worthy person might have the opportunity to gain eternal life “soon”. 
During just a few years, millions of books were sold (“The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life” - a best seller noted in the Guinness Book of Records) and millions of “Bible” studies were conducted, using that book, which had a similar outline to the one you are studying now. Worldwide, the Witnesses increased from 500,000 in the mid- 60s, to 3 millions by 1975.

Your life is becoming more and more involved with the Watchtower congregation and your friends and "family" are now Witnesses, rather than relatives.
You are told to keep reading and hearing and talking about the religion’s message. Continual repetition is a mind-control technique to reinforce teachings. You are also told to “stay busy in such work”.
Notice the repeated use and emphasis on the future tense in the promises offered. Have you noticed also how this “Christian” religion makes repeated reference to the Old Testament, written nearly 3,000 years ago, usually quoting isolated verses from ancient prophets and applying them to today?
Although there is an attempt to downplay the idea of “reward”, the fact is, eternal life is dependent on our works for ““Jehovah” or, to be more accurate, “Jehovah’s organisation”, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society publishing company.

I would be sincerely disappointed if you have come this far and are still pondering whether to join this cult.
No-one ever joins a cult. People are drawn into them gradually, as you have been and it is only when we try to leave, later, that we discover we were in a cult, when sanctions and threats are made against us when we leave. 
I have already told you how you would be shunned by all those “friends” and your Witness relatives if you leave. You would find that the friendship is entirely dependent on your holding the same religious opinions as them. There are many, many examples and experiences of shunned former Witnesses  for your perusal, on-line.

What is the alternative? 
Well, belief is something that you have to choose and decide upon yourself, but if you are attracted to Christianity, try it! 
Read the Bible. The basic message is not difficult to understand, especially if you read the “message for today“, the New Testament.
Visit Christian churches of different denominations for a few weeks. Listen to their sermons. Observe the people. 
But use the same caution in assessing other groups, as you should have done before studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

Always be wary of a religion which claims to have "special knowledge" or insight that others don't have. 
Avoid churches which criticise other Christian denominations, instead of getting on with being Christians themselves. 
Be cautious about "religion" and "organisation". Organisations start with wonderful intentions, but soon take over people. Christianity is about faith and a relationship with Jesus Christ, not men.

One day, you will realise you feel comfortable in one particular church and you won’t feel the need to continue your search. Later, you may decide to move on to another church or denomination. That is a natural progression in your Christian life. All the mainstream Christian churches have one thing in common - they accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and follow the Bible, with only minor variations in procedure.

Further Reading: 
Twisted Scriptures -- Mary Alice Chrnalogar

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Examining Watchtower Basic Teachings -- Take Your Stand for True Worship #16

Examining Watchtower Basic Teachings
Take Your Stand for True Worship  
Chapter 16
The book says;
False religion is compared with a contaminated water supply. The student is encouraged to “get out of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion”.
Images and traces of false worship, such as shrines to ancestors or religious pictures, should be removed from our homes. They should be destroyed because they are detestable to Jehovah.
The pagan origins of Christmas are discussed and the student is shown in the Bible, that only two pagans celebrated birthday, so these activities are forbidden to “true worshipers”.
Although Jehovah wants us to have good relations with our relatives, we must take a stand against false worship even if it offends them. “Do origins really matter? Yes!” An illustration is given; would we eat “candy that we found “lying in the gutter? Of course not! …. Holidays may seem sweet, but they have been picked up from unclean places”.
Next follows a discussion of “what to do about holiday activities” and accepting Christmas gifts from work colleagues. As for your family members, you should “avoid any actions that would make you a participant in the holiday” while being “reasonable” and keeping a “good conscience”.
Our children need not be neglected. The best gifts we can give them are our “time and loving attention”. Taking a stand for true worship also requires our attendance at “Christian meetings" and preaching the message of Jehovah’s Witnesses .
Page 163 (English language edition) shows three photos of a young boy, dressed in a suit, being encouraged by his parents at meetings and going door-to door, promoting Watchtower literature.. One picture shows him receiving presents with his sister - “practising true worship brings happiness”.
My response:

In case you hadn’t noticed, the final strands of your normal life before your indoctrination by Jehovah’s Witnesses, are finally being stripped away.
It’s true that Christmas has pagan origins and many of the commercial customs come much later, from the Victorian era. Personally, I don’t celebrate Christmas and I don’t think it's just because I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. Like many Christians, I detest the secularism of the season, which has been hijacked for commercial purposes. Many Christians believe that the incarnation of Jesus Christ is so important to humanity, that it should be observed, but modestly, by attendance at church and with moderate gift giving.
As for birthdays, I suspect that the Watchtower simply does not want its members diverted from giving attention to the Watchtower organisation, who want your money and devotion. Can you imagine how much time would be devoted to birthday parties in a congregation of 90 people? 
Another point is the passing of time. If we observe annual celebrations, we may be more likely to notice the passing of time and the fact that Armageddon and the promised "new world soon" has not arrived. I didn't have children, so the first time I really noticed the passing of real time was when a ten year insurance policy matured, then another, five years later.
The fact that two pagans are mentioned as celebrating their birthdays is simply a way to identify the actual date or time of the events recorded, just as Luke mentions several events to pinpoint the time of the birth of Jesus. Also, notice in the story of Joseph, that a good event happens on Pharaoh’s birthday - the release and pardon of a prisoner. 
The curious thing is this; on the actual day of birth of a new child, Jehovah’s Witnesses rejoice over that birth, like any other parents, but forever afterwards, they pretend it doesn’t matter. 
This avoiding of celebrations, and the hurting of our families which ensues, is behaviour contrary to our natural compassion and social instincts.
Finally, regular attendance at meetings is now filling your life and what leisure time is left, is given to preaching the Watchtower message. One hallmark of cults is that they like to keep people busy, so that they do not have time for themselves or to think.
As for the child in the photos, I am reminded of my own childhood experiences, which you can hear about on my Youtube videos, by searching under Witness Aid.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Suggested Reading List for Jehovah's Witnesses Exiting JW.org

if you left the Watchtower religion without being deprogrammed, you may continue to suffer psychological trauma for many years afterwards. It is essential that you cleanse your mind of its false doctrines, so that you can look to the future without fear of impending destruction by a vindictive God, at “Armageddon, soon”. If you are unable to function in the normal world, there is a very strong probability that you will return to the familiar ground of the Watchtower "family".
The following books will show you that you made the correct decision to exit JW.org, which is most certainly not “the truth”, despite its claims. Incidentally, if you are still using "Watchtower talk" like that phrase above, you are reinforcing its belief in your mind!

The following are not extensive reviews. If you go to an online bookstore, you will find Customer Reviews. Used books are available at reasonable prices. Most of the following are in British public libraries too.

Crisis of Conscience
In Search of Christian Freedom 
Raymond Franz

Nephew of Fred, the 4th Watchtower president, Raymond Franz served on the Governing Body for about 9 years and reveals some scandalous events in Watchtower policy during the early 90s. Now considered a standard textbook among former JWs.
His second book is a review of major Watchtower teachings compared to the Bible.

Apocalypse Delayed
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Third Reich
Jim Penton

Jim Penton was an academic historian at Toronto University. He gives a very fair (and far too generous) analysis of Watchtower history. 
The second book details the Witnesses’ experiences in Germany and discusses the notorious letter sent to Hitler by Rutherford, the 2nd Watchtower president. Penton looks at the extent of “persecution” of Jehovah’s Witnesses, who want you to believe their "spin" that they were right in the middle of the Holocaust with 6 million Jews. In fact, only about 200 Witnesses were actually executed by the Nazis.

The Gentile Times Revisited
The Sign of the Last Days - When?
Carl Olaf Jonsson

The first of these is the material that Jonsson sent to Brooklyn in the late 60s, inviting the Governing Body to examine and use his research to publish a revision of the Watchtower teaching under its own banner. Instead, they disfellowshiped him
The book looks at Babylonian history relating to Jerusalem’s fall and its importance to the Watchtower’s 1914 date. I found it pretty dry reading, but it is useful.
The second book looks at Matthew 24 and compares it with world history, showing why the events of the 20th Century were of no special significance, contrary to Watchtower claims.

Twisted Scriptures
Mary Alice Chrnalogar

This examines religions, including Christian groups, which sometimes misuse scriptural authority to control people. It is not only the Jehovah’s Witness religion which seeks to control people although they are among the worst. 
If you become a Christian, be on guard against people who say, “God told me to tell you…….” or “God wants me to…....” Funnily enough, God never seems to tell Christians to give away all their money and live in a cold climate where they will be in danger of their lives by persecution. I wonder why?

The Bible - a Biography 
A History of God 
Karen Armstrong

This woman knows more about the Bible, God and religion than all the “men in Brooklyn” collectively. You will be surprised when you discover who actually wrote the Pentateuch and the multiple accounts of Genesis and Isaiah, and where and when, as well as the gathering of the books for the Bible canon.
The other book details the finding of God by Jews, Christians and Muslims throughout history. I recommend any book on religion by Armstrong.

The God of Philosophy
Roy Jackson

Any introduction to philosophy or religion is worth reading, to start you thinking about miracles, the existence of God, the problem of evil and life after death.

"A Very Short Introduction to..........."
Various authors and various titles/themes

These booklets, written by experts and academics, cover many subjects from science, the Bible, theology, history, the Arts - every subject that you can list. A good way to find key facts or to stimulate further reading.

The Bible 
Yes, I am recommending the Bible, even though you may think you have had more than enough of it! I am sure that the majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses have never read the whole Bible right through. I know I hadn’t, after 25 adult years as a Witness. On leaving Watchtower, I read it in about 6 weeks and continued reading the NT again, 7 or 8 times.
If you care to leave a brief comment telling me if you honestly read it from start to finish, while you were a Witness, it would be interesting.
If you are saying, “I am sure I must have read it all” or "I think I read it all", then you have NOT read it! Reading selected citations in Watchtower publications is not “reading the Bible”. So, give it a fair trial. 
If you find the OT boring, I suggest you start with the NT and intersperse OT books between, keeping a careful note so that you do not cheat.
And by the way - don't read the Really Not Well Translated Version. 
Get yourself a proper Bible!
Who knows? You may become a Christian. Or an atheist!

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings - Baptism and Your Relationship with God -- #18

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings
Chapter 18 -- Baptism and Your Relationship with God 
The book says;
“What steps do you need to take to qualify for baptism?” 
The account of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 is given.
A brief review of things learned from the teaching book is given. It is assumed that the student will be attending meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses and that s/he has begun to “develop a personal relationship with Jehovah God”. 
Public water baptism is a requirement for anyone wanting such a relationship, but one needs to qualify.
Knowledge is necessary and this can be gained by regular attendance at meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. You must know and accept their basic teachings. 
Faith is also important. It motivates you to express your knowledge about God to others, by preaching. 
One needs to qualify to be accepted as an unbaptised proclaimer of the Watchtower message. This is done by meeting with two elders in the congregation who will assess if the student is leading a suitable lifestyle free from “sexual immorality, drunkenness and drug abuse”.
Repentance and conversion are necessary steps toward baptism. Then a dedication to Jehovah God must be made. This is compared to marriage.
Dedication is a “promise to give (God) your exclusive devotion forever….without …..setting any limits in worshiping him”. “We disown ourselves” and give our “complete obedience to God. Before you can get baptised, then, doing Jehovah God‘s will must be your main purpose in life”
We should not be afraid to make a dedication although it means being accountable to God. God will help you if you do your best, since you are not perfect.
When, after prayer, you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah God, you will meet with “some elders….. to review questions that cover the Bible’s basic teachings. If these elders agree that you qualify, they will tell  you that you can get baptised at the next opportunity”, usually at an annual convention. There will be a short public talk and you will be asked to declare that you agree with two simple questions, then you will proceed to a pool and be totally immersed under water. 
“You have made a dedication to Jehovah God himself, not to a work, a cause, other humans, or an organisation”.
“Baptism symbolises dying to one’s former way of life and becoming alive to do God’s will. (it)….does not guarantee salvation“. It is “only a beginning“
Baptism is a sacrament in the Christian church also, except one does not have to “qualify”. Jesus Christ said “whoever believes in me has eternal life”. Qualifications are unnecessary. Only faith in Jesus is required.
Superficially, the Watchtower baptism appears to be a Christian act, but there are subtle differences. 
The two questions which were asked when I was baptised into Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1970, related to an expression of faith in God and Jesus Christ, but about 20 years later, these questions were quietly changed to make baptism a dedication to Jehovah God as he reveals things through his organisation (the Watchtower Governing Body). 
So, while the teaching book says that baptism is not about dedication to people or an organisation, in practice, “Jehovah God” and “his organisation” are synonymous in the minds of Jehovah’s Witnesses. 
A newly baptised student may think s/he has a “personal relationship with Jehovah”, but many Witnesses now realise that the organisation has taken over and has become a god itself. "Jehovah's organisation" constantly changes its doctrines and policies. When Witnesses eventually find out the truth about this publishing empire, they find, to their cost, that the organisation holds their friends and families hostage if they try to leave. Exiting this religion means being forever shunned by all one’s Witness friends and family.
I sincerely hope that you have not made it this far into your Watchtower indoctrination and that you are most definitely not contemplating baptism. Indeed, I would be extremely disappointed if the evidence I have given you already is insufficient to persuade you against committing your life to this cult

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings -- Drawing Close to God in Prayer # 17

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings
Chapter 17 -- Drawing Close to God in Prayer
The book says;
“If we want Jehovah to listen to our prayers…. we must pray to him in the way he approves…. It is vital for us to know what the Scriptures say on this subject, for prayer helps us draw closer to Jehovah”
We should pray because Jehovah invites us to do so and it strengthens our relationship with him, but there are requirements.
We must have faith and show it by “the way we live every day”. We must pray “with humility and sincerity” because “he is God Almighty”. We must act in harmony with our prayers, being careful to avoid temptation.
We should never pray to Jesus, but only to Jehovah.
Special postures are unnecessary. We may pray for anything “that is in harmony with God’s will”, including personal concerns. “It is proper for us to ask for holy spirit, for it will help us to do what is right. We can also ask for guidance in making wise decisions, for strength in coping with difficulties” and on behalf of other people.
We should pray about Jehovah first, following “the model prayer” given by Jesus. Prayers my be of any length, but should not be showy displays of piety.before others. We should pray often, constantly and we should say “Amen” at the end because it shows we agree with the prayer.
Jehovah answers our prayers through his angels, by the holy spirit and through his Word, the Bible and “Christian publications, such as this book”. 
Sometimes it may appear that God delays, but “Jehovah answers prayers according to  his will and in due time…. Often, he allows us to “keep on seeking, asking and knocking“”. This shows God our perseverance and genuine faith.
I am not the best person to ask about prayer. I do believe, as a Christian, that prayer is essential, but as a cynic, I simply have doubts about the efficacy of many prayers.
Perhaps you’ve heard the joke; If a man talks to himself when no-one is there, he is mad, but if he talks to an invisible person, it’s prayer.
I recall the heartfelt prayer by Clint Eastwood’s character in “Million Dollar Baby”. He plays a boxing trainer who trains a talented female boxer. He is also a Roman Catholic with doubts about his faith. He often pesters his local priest with questions of faith. We see him pray earnestly one evening before sleeping and he basically says, “God, you know everything I’m going to say, so what’s the point of me wasting our time telling you it all? But do whatever you’re going to do. Amen”! Later, this man is faced with a daunting ethical dilemma, which is the point of this Oscar winning movie. 
I also had a very bad experience with prayer when I was just 17. As a result of my belief that “Jehovah” had answered the prayer, my whole life was ruined because I was thereafter sucked into the Watchtower cult. I’ll shortly be telling that story in a Youtube video.
I think the best way to see the effectiveness of prayer is to keep a prayer log or diary, as some Christians do. Each time you pray, write down what you prayed for and see what happens and how long it takes to happen. Write the result in an opposite column. But there is a problem here; we have to be honest and consistent in our results. 
For example, I’ve heard of Christians praying for say, a car, to help them in their ministry. Now, they don’t ask for a specific, like a  Porsche or a Ferrari, which would be a big call on God. At the same time, they tell others of their need. A few weeks later, someone comes along with an old car and gives it to them or offers it at a bargain price. So, is that an answer to a prayer? Did God have a hand in that?
Then there are the people who survive disasters, after praying to God and they give thanks to him. But what about all the people who didn’t survive? Were they not praying? Or was it simply not God’s will that they should survive?
A month ago, I made a request on Facebook, asking for someone to loan me a keyboard. I didn't pray about it. Within a week, someone responded. They agreed to loan me a keyboard for six months, without obligation, as I had requested. 
I have only two serious criticisms about the Watchtower book; firstly, the “”Christian publication like this book” is put on a par with the Bible, but, as you should know by now, Watchtower publications are not “God’s Word”.
My second cause for concern is about the prohibition on praying to Jesus Christ. Jesus actually tells his followers, “Whatever you pray for in my name, I will give you”, So our prayers should be directed to Jesus. His name is not simply a postage stamp to get through to God in a Watchtower “infomercial” with a quick “Amen” afterwards.
Jehovah’s Witness prayers are often used to tell people listening, what they need to know and more especially, what they ought to be doing to “please Jehovah”. Such manipulative prayers are used to publicly warn or scold someone who is not following strict Watchtower procedure. You can see an example of this in my article “Comfort for the Bereaved” when the Witness conducting my mother’s funeral had something to admonish me about before the assembled mourners.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Examining Watchtower Teachings - -Worship that God Approves # 15

“What does the Bible Really Teach?” (according to Jehovah’s Witnesses) 
Worship that God Approves -- #15

The book says;
“Are all religions pleasing to God?
How can we identify the true religion?
Who are God’s true worshippers on earth today?”
Jehovah wants us to be happy, benefiting from his loving direction. There are many religions claiming to worship God and teach the truth about him.
If you trying to identify counterfeit money, it would be better to learn about real money. Thus, “when we learn how to identify the true religion, we can recognise those religions that are false”.
“It is important that we worship Jehovah in the way that he approves….. It is not even enough just to claim to be a Christian…..we must learn what God requires of us and do it. …Like counterfeit money, false religion has no real value. Even worse, such religion is actually harmful”.
“Jesus said that the true religion would be evident in the lives of those who practise it…..by their beliefs and their conduct”
Now we are given six features which “identify those who practise true religion”.
God’s servants base their teachings on the Bible. 
“Jesus often said, “it is written”. Then he would quote a scripture. Similarly, God‘s people today do not teach their own ideas”
Those who practise the true religion worship only Jehovah and make his name known 
“ True worshippers today teach others about God’s name”
God’s people show genuine, unselfish love for one another.
“Godly love overcomes racial, social and national barriers and draws people together in an unbreakable bond of true brotherhood. Members of false religions…..kill one another because of national or ethnic differences. True Christians do not take up weapons….true Christians unselfishly use their time, energy and resources to help and encourage one another and “work what is good toward all“”.
True Christians accept Jesus Christ as God’s means of salvation.
Jesus is God’s appointed king and the ransom “and God requires that we obey Jesus and apply his teachings if we want everlasting life”
True worshippers are no part of the world.
“Jesus’ true followers are subjects of his heavenly kingdom and thus maintain strict neutrality in the world’s political affairs” but “Jehovah’s worshippers do not interfere with what others choose to do..…While God‘s true worshippers are neutral regarding politics, they are law-abiding….. Because God’s word commands them to be “in subjection to the governmental superior authorities””.
Jesus’ true followers preach that God’s kingdom is mankind’s only hope.
Jehovah’s Witnesses do not look to human rulers to solve mankind’s problems.

“Of all the religious groups on earth, which one meets all these requirements? The facts clearly show that it is Jehovah’s Witnesses”
Asking “What will You do?”, the book says it is not enough simply to believe in God. We must separate ourselves from false religions which are all part of “Babylon the Great”. Trinities of Gods were common in Babylon, as was the belief in life after death, so Christian teachings are criticised. Babylon the Great will soon be destroyed by God.
“As a result of your decision to quit practising false religion, some may choose to stop associating with you…. By serving Jehovah with his people, however, you will gain far more than you could ever lose…. You will become part of a large, worldwide family of millions of true Christians”
In the new, paradise world, there will be only one religion. The student is invited to “take the necessary steps to come into association with true worshippers right now”.
If we are trying to identify counterfeit money, certainly it would be useful to know about real money. But we need to be taught by some reliable institution e.g. the Bank of England. So, what makes the Watchtower qualified to teach us anything about true religion or anything else? Even the Bank was around long before the Watchtower!
If I wanted to convince you that a certain religion is true, I could make an arbitrary list; e.g. we must wear uncut hair, carry a comb, wear a bracelet, carry a sword and wear shorts. Those are the hallmarks of being a Sikh. Or Buddhist monks might say we should renounce material possessions, take a vow of poverty and wear an orange robe. 
Jehovah’s Witnesses have picked six “trademarks” which virtually no other religious group follows. I wonder why?
The book is spot on right, when it says that false religion is harmful. Many former Witnesses can testify to how harmful the Watchtower religion is, especially when one tries to leave its crazy, ever-changing teachings, which are, indeed, false.

Basing teachings on the Bible.
The Watchtower likes to use the Bible to support its counterfeit teachings. As I’ve said before, there is a verse in the Bible to prove just about anything you want, if one reads it out of context. In the past, slavery, crusades, racism, the bad treatment of women by men and torture of anyone disagreeing with the Church have all been justified by texts in the Bible. So yes, it may “be written”, but “Is that actually what the person said?”, is the question you might ask. Familiarity with the context and the whole Bible will help you decide.
The teachings of the Christian Church have been established for two thousand years and it may come as a surprise to Jehovah’s Witnesses, who rely on the Watchtower publications for their education, that the essential teachings of Christianity are firmly based in scripture. Learned and devout men spent years in deciding what should be included in the Bible canon and counsels and assemblies debated what the approved teachings should be, based on scripture.
Jehovah’s name
Only a religion with the name “Jehovah” in its brand, could come up with this as a criterion for “the true religion”. If you have been reading the Bible, as I recommended, you may have come across Acts 1:8 which makes it clear that the name of Jesus should be preached, for he is our Saviour. A reading of the New Testament in a “proper Bible” should make this abundantly clear. It is only because the Watchtower has falsified the “Word of God” that “the name” of Jehovah appears 237 times in their version of the New Testament. Read the Bible and you will see that it is Jesus’ name that is preached by the apostles.
Showing love
On this one point, Jehovah’s Witnesses, as a group, may justify themselves, but it’s not quite so simple. In times of disaster, Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to send aid to other countries, but it is to their own followers first, second and third. Although they are a registered charity in U.K., their charitable donations extend only to other Witnesses. I have seen several years of British Watchtower branch accounts and I saw how their money is shuffled around between various Watchtower departments.
Collectively, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not participate in war and they will try to convince you that they suffered as badly as the Jews in Germany for refusing war service, but in fact, only about 200 Jehovah’s Witnesses were actually killed under the Nazis although many hundreds spent time in camps or, more typically, prison 
As a group, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not participate even in “the just war” (and Christians have agonised over this question for centuries). They will not even perform National Service in times of peace. I personally knew adult JW men as a child, who had gone to prison in U.K. for declining their two years’ service. 
If a Witness goes to his National Service, he will be deemed to have “disassociated himself”. Notice that, since the government has the right to have armed forces, the Watchtower does not disfellowship an individual for joining the Forces, otherwise their prohibition would bring them into conflict with the Law. Either way, a person is expelled, so it’s not really “a question of individual conscience” and it is a falsehood to state that “Jehovah’s worshippers do not interfere in what others choose to do“.
While many Christians participated in the two World Wars (and many gave their lives for our freedom, lest we forget), other Christians took an individual, conscientious stand. Most of them went to prison, while others chose to perform humanitarian service as ambulance drivers or stretcher-bearers (always a target for soldiers on the other side!). Personally, I have great admiration for those Conscientious Objectors who served in Bomb Disposal. Putting oneself voluntarily, in harm’s way, for the saving of the lives of others, truly is a Christian act.
But if everyone did not go to war, how wonderful the world would be! But it would not be the real world. There are always some people that insist on getting their own way by force. Therefore, it is necessary to oppose them and the State has Biblical authority to “carry the sword” of punishment.
We might ask Jehovah’s Witnesses what they would suggest as an alternative to war. Of course, they will say, “God’s Kingdom, coming “soon””. Well, that’s a lot of use! How long have we been waiting for this promised, magical event at Armageddon, ushering in the “paradise earth”? Meanwhile, what would be the state of our world if people did not oppose fascism, communism, terrorism, invasion, religious fanaticism? And what have Jehovah’s Witnesses done? Nothing!
Finally on this, notice that the great love of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their God does not extend to all humanity, for “soon”, their nasty war-god will massacre about 7 billion people to give them their paradise earth.
Accepting Jesus Christ for salvation
Yes, accepting Jesus Christ is essential for salvation according to the Bible, the favourite religious book of Western nations. But what about other religions in other lands? It is an accident of birth which gives most of us our religion. True Christians (and I don’t mean Jehovah’s Witnesses, who like using that phrase as code for themselves) will sometimes tell you that people will gain salvation only by “accepting Jesus”. 
The Witnesses meanwhile, put all their faith “in Jehovah”. If you ever hear a Jehovah’s Witness prayer, all the requests are made “to Jehovah”. Jesus Christ is simply the postage stamp at the end of what is usually an infomercial - “through Jesus Christ. Amen”.
Jesus commanded his followers to preach the good news in all the inhabited earth and people of all nations have come to Christ. Whether God is so unjust as to kill everyone who does not worship Him or His Son, you will have to decide for yourself, but the OT God doesn’t have a very good record.
Jehovah’s Witnesses claim to be the foremost preachers of God’s Kingdom as they distribute Watchtower publications. But what’s the point in preaching a fake gospel? And who is distributing Bibles worldwide to get the pure message across in many languages? The "worldly" Bible Societies.
No part of the world
“War is nothing more than the continuation of politics by other means” (Clausewitz)
If that is so, then it seems prudent to keep talking to avoid bloodshed. Most wars start when communication breaks down. 
Personally, I vote in General Elections, not because I have faith in politicians. To the contrary! But politics is our only temporary hope for peace and security in this world. To hope for any other immediate solution is fantasy, so once again, Jehovah’s Witnesses cop out and don’t take part, letting everyone do their imperfect best to make this world a better place, while standing on the sidelines carping and criticising and benefiting from their governments’ administrations.

So, is there “a true religion”? I’m not sure any more and I’m not sure if I’d be part of one. But what I think is very important, is faith, individual faith, rather than going along with an organisation. 
All of Jesus’ appeals in the Bible are made to individuals, to you and I. It is people who love to make clubs, groups and societies and these quickly take on a life of their own as they grow, until the organisation entity, the “Id”, itself rules the people.
Finally, notice how the carrot is again offered at the end of Chapter 15 and the warning again, that you will be persecuted by associates if you change your viewpoints or beliefs.

Examining Watchtower Teachings - How to Make Your Family Life Happy # 14

“What Does the Bible Really Teach?” (according to Jehovah’s Witnesses)
Chapter 14 - “How to Make Your Family Life Happy”

The book says;
Jehovah wants our families to be happy, so the Bible tells us how. 
God created the first two humans. This is not a myth. “for Jesus shows that what Genesis says about the start of family life is true”. We can contribute to family happiness by imitating Jehovah and his loving relationship with his Son. 
Husbands should love their wives as Christ loves the congregation, giving himself up for it. A wife is “the weaker vessel” and “yearns for tender affection from her husband“, so a husband should be forgiving, considerate and caring - “a successful marriage is the union of two good forgivers”
A family is an organisation and it needs a head. That head is the husband. A wife should display a calm, mild spirit and “demonstrate godly subjection, even under trying circumstances“. This applies even if the husband is not a Jehovah’s Witness. A wife may offer opinions, but should follow the man’s final decision. Scriptures are quoted, mostly from Paul’s letters. 
Husbands and wives should be sexually faithful and considerate of the spouse’s needs. 
When difficulties arise in a marriage, separation may be permitted, but divorce is only available in cases of sexual immorality. 
Jesus set a perfect example for parents in his love for children. “Children need parents who will protect them from people who seek to harm them, such as sexual predators….. As a parent, you need to be alert to the Devil‘s attempts to harm your little ones”.
Children need discipline. It should be appropriate and never administered in anger. Children should obey their parents even though it may be difficult, just as “Jesus always obeyed his heavenly father”. Children are open to temptation and peer pressure, so it is vital “that they do not keep company with wrongdoers!” Again, Paul’s words provide supporting scriptures.
Even now, we can enjoy happy family life before the wonderful paradise comes, if husbands preside over their families in a fine manner and wives are in subjection to their headship, while children are obedient. “None in the family are perfect…. So be humble, asking one another for forgiveness. Truly, the Bible contains a wealth of valuable counsel and instruction regarding family life”. 
Broadly, I agree with some of the above because I believe a loving marriage is the best way to raise children. Every child deserves a loving mother and father. The purpose of marriage is to legitimise and recognise children, for inheritance rights.
As I have said before, the fact that Jesus knew the stories, does not mean they actually occurred, as written, so we are back to “the Bible is true because it says so itself”.
I agree that it is important for one member of the family to take a lead. I’m thinking of ships steering in a channel and captains here, but even the captain, who has overall authority, takes the advice of a river pilot. He ignores it at his peril.
However, marriage and society have changed somewhat since the 1st century and appropriate adaptations have to made for today‘s society, regarding the relationship of husband and wife. 
In the case of marriage difficulties, the Watchtower organisation discourages separation, except in cases of domestic violence. If there is incompatibility between the two people - and Jehovah’s Witnesses do not approve of couples living together beforehand, “without the benefit of marriage”, so there is no trial period - they may separate. 
They may divorce legally, according to the law of their country, but they will be forbidden to remarry by Watchtower elders, so long as they remain Jehovah’s Witnesses. Only the death of the former spouse or adultery by the spouse would be grounds for remarriage. In this case, "adultery" would include the remarriage of the former spouse, since that is "unscriptural".
Disobeying the elders on this would incur a Judicial Committee and they would be expelled (even though the marriage is recognised in Law) with the consequence being shunning by all their Witness associates.
I am not a fan of divorce, but I accept that it is sometimes necessary, even desirable, if two people have grown apart. To make a lifetime promise at say, 18, is quite a commitment, especially when one considers that the person you are today, is probably not recognisable to the child you were in youth. But, like marriage, I do not think divorce should be "undertaken lightly".
Children indeed, require discipline. In the past, that discipline was administered corporally by angry and embarrassed parents in many Kingdom Halls, when their young children would not sit quietly or still, during a boring, two hours meeting.
Children also need protection because there are thousands of sexual predators within Jehovah’s Witnesses. Am I exaggerating? No; in the recent Australian Royal Commission investigation into Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Watchtower admitted to at least 1000 cases of sexual abuse within that country alone. Worse, is the fact that these were often not pursued because of their “two witnesses” rule and when the matter was established (rarely) the elders investigating actively hid the matter from the police and appropriate authorities, following the direction of their Watchtower branch offices. 
Recently, there have been a number of successful civil cases brought against the Watchtower, resulting in huge compensation payments to the victims who suffered years of abuse, sometimes perpetrated by Jehovah’s Witness males (and fathers) holding positions of authority within their organisation. 
Once again, don't take my word for it. Do your research - Google is available!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Examining Watchtower basic Teachings # 13 -- A Godly View of Life

"What does the Bible Really Teach?” (according to Jehovah’s Witnesses)
Chapter 13
A Godly view of Life
The book says;
Life is a gift from God the creator. He provides food and water to sustain us. “To enjoy life to the full, we need to learn God’s laws and obey them”.
God values human life. He punished Cain when he murdered his brother and gave laws to Israel about respecting life. We should respect our own lives by avoiding harmful practices like smoking tobacco or taking drugs. It is important to be safety conscious too. We should keep our homes and cars in safe condition and avoid dangerous, thrill-seeking sports.
“The life of an unborn child….is precious to Jehovah”, so “abortion is wrong“.
Killing animals for food or clothing is fine, but not for sport.
We must show respect for blood by not eating it. Texts are quoted from Genesis and Leviticus. Christians must “abstain from blood” according to Acts 15. “Does the command to abstain from blood include blood transfusions? Yes”. An illustration is given about alcohol. If a doctor told you to abstain, would you inject alcohol into your veins? 
If a Christian is injured, alternative forms of treatment may be used “to preserve God’s precious gift of life”. If you took a blood transfusion “just to stay alive a little longer in this system of things”, you “would be in danger of losing everlasting life”.
The only proper use of blood is in sacrifice to Jehovah. The Mosaic Law, with its sacrifices, “pointed forward to the perfect sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Christ….. Jesus gave his human life for us by letting his blood be shed as a sacrifice”. 
Appreciation for life should “motivate us to tell others about the opportunity to gain everlasting life. Godly concern for the lives of fellow humans will move us to do this with eagerness and zeal ”. 
My response:
In this chapter, the expression "true Christians" is used. This is Watchtower code for "Jehovah's Witnesses". They are trying to set themselves apart, suggesting to their followers that they alone, in all the world, are the only "true" Christians. Whether they are Christians at all, is a question for another time.
Respect for life is important to any thinking person, whether religious or not, but again, it is not always a simple matter. Philosophers from Aristotle to Peter Singer, have written whole books on the sanctity of life, including animal life.
Many people who oppose abortion make an exception in the case of rape, particularly of minors. They reason that the early embryo stage of cell development is not a viable human life. Thus, they would permit cessation of the pregnancy in cases of rape, without feeling that they are disrespecting life. There is a huge difference between “abortion on demand” for reasons of convenience and cases of rape. It is not a simple matter.
While some religions have great respect for animal life, to the extent that their adherents are vegans, followers of the Bible have no such dilemmas. Killing animals is justified by God and that is very convenient for us. Unfortunately, this has led to factory farming on a grand scale, particularly in America, where animals are kept in unnatural, filthy conditions, barely within the law, to satisfy the appetites of carnivore humans. Should our “respect for life” not extend to these?
God gave dietary laws regarding the treatment of blood in the Old Testament. It was to be poured on the ground when an animal was slaughtered. Eating blood was forbidden, but this command cannot possibly be logically extrapolated to include blood transfusions. It is, quite simply, a ridiculous notion, dreamed up by an ignorant Watchtower leader in the 1960s. The illustration about injecting alcohol, is even more stupid.
When we eat blood, it travels into a closed system (the gut) and is digested into amino acids, since it is mostly protein. Every time we eat meat, we are consuming molecules of blood which are in the interstitial tissues. Some meats are more bloody than others, so it is impossible to be a carnivore and not eat blood. But the Watchtower argues that this is fine, so long as animals are slaughtered and blood is poured out (not kept for sausages etc).
When blood of the correct type is transfused into us, it mixes with our own blood, becoming part of our total body fluid in the vascular system. Water balance in the body is vital. Excess fluid is filtered from the blood as it flows through the kidneys and expelled in the urinary system. This journey through the arteries and veins can never be compared with “eating blood”, except by someone who has dismally failed High School Biology.
The Watchtower likes to quote Acts 15:28-29 - “abstain from blood”. “Abstain” means avoid completely, they say, so the OT laws are repeated, in effect, to Christians. Once again, if you are still thinking and questioning, you should be reading whole chapters of the Bible now when the Watchtower quotes isolated verses. Read the whole chapter of Acts 15 now. 
It tells us that, in the early Christian congregation, there were Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles). A question arose from Judea about male circumcision, which practice, the Jews followed from the Law. The Jews said that “proper Christians” should be circumcised like them. The Gentiles objected, so several men went to Jerusalem, to the apostles, to sort this out. After some debate and under the influence of the Holy Spirit, James wrote a letter to all Christians, “to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood” (Acts 15:20) And why? Because Moses “is read aloud in the synagogues every Sabbath”. Jews still attending the synagogue were hearing the Mosaic Law read out every week, including its dietary prohibitions. So, for the sake of the consciences of the Jewish Christians who, all their lives had avoided blood, fornication, things strangled and idolatry, James instructed the Gentiles to have respect for the Jews’ sensitive viewpoint. It is as simple as that. 
If you need further confirmation, read all of Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians chapters 8-10. Here, Paul writes to settle disputes about what it is right to eat. Why? Because, for the first time, Jews and Gentiles are mixing socially and in the congregation. They are sitting down together to eat, but with the Jewish Christian mind affected by following the Law all their lives. The Gentiles sit at table eating what they have always eaten - everything and anything - blood, food bought in pagan temples and animals which have not been bled. The Jewish Christians are appalled, but Paul, says, “It’s alright. Eat what you like. Nothing is unclean now, BUT you Gentiles, be considerate of the feelings of your Jewish brothers and you Jews, stop being too sensitive about what others eat.”
Once again, a plain reading of the Bible shows us the truth. It is impossible to find anything in scripture about blood transfusions, unless you read Watchtower publications to “help you understand”. This sick, perverted, man-made rule brings death to its followers. 
The fact is, blood transfusions save lives repeatedly, but the Watchtower leadership has taught Jehovah’s Witnesses to argue with doctors on matters about which they are not at all qualified. All sorts of “alternative treatments” have been suggested, but none of them, without exception, is so effective as blood because blood IS blood and that is what the vascular system requires, to transport oxygen to the cells.
Over the years since the 1960s, when this deadly policy was introduced, the Watchtower has repeatedly adjusted its stance on “the blood issue”. Originally, blood transfusion was simply forbidden, but in the intervening years, they have made allowances which permit Jehovah’s Witnesses to accept certain blood fractions. Don’t ask me what they are! They have changed so often, that Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves don’t know. Doctors are even more confused because they can see how stupid it is to forbid one part of blood while accepting another and still declaring, “We do not take blood!”.
One thing is certain; Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take fractions of blood with the blessing of their leadership in Brooklyn. But where do these fractions come from? The answer is simple. Donated blood. And are Jehovah's Witnesses numbered among blood donors? No. Donation of blood by a Witness would lead to a "judicial" committee and expulsion from the religion. So, while Witnesses do not mind taking blood according to their crazy, hair-splitting rules, they will not give blood, so that others may benefit. The Bible's admonition that "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving" is turned upon its head by the Watchtower. In recent years, the Watchtower has introduced Hospital Liaison Committees. These are elders (always men) who will “assist” Witnesses in hospital, advising them on what treatments are acceptable for Jehovah’s Witnesses. A more cynical person might think they are there to keep an eye on weak Witnesses who might quietly follow their doctor’s advice……
As a result of this blood policy, tens of thousands of Witnesses have died in the last 50 years, while millions of others have lived in fear for themselves and their loved ones as necessary operations or childbirth approached. Others have avoided having essential surgery, knowing that blood transfusion would be an essential part of treatment. 
There is a famous case in Scots Law  (Rex v. Blaue 1975) in which a young, female Jehovah’s Witness was stabbed in the chest. She refused a blood transfusion and died four hours later. The case is interesting because the assailant appealed, saying that the woman’s religious belief caused her death, but Lord Lawton, in his wisdom, rejected the Appeal. It was the stab wound that caused death. The important principle is “that those who use violence on other people must take their victims as they find them. This in our judgement means the whole man, not just the physical man”.  But again, this woman would have lived had she accepted a blood transfusion.
This policy on blood is only accepted by most Jehovah’s Witnesses because they know that there is a fair chance they will never have to face it. But when an emergency arises, they have to put all human compassion for their wives, husbands or children aside and follow this stupid Watchtower law. 
In view of the foregoing evidence, which I hope you have checked for yourself, does it seem to you that the Watchtower organisation shows “respect for life”? And why has your Witness teacher waited until now to reveal this difficult and controversial teaching?
Finally, the chapter ends with encouragement to go preaching with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Gradually, the student is being drawn into a time-consuming routine, attending meetings and giving up leisure time to promote the Watchtower message. 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings #12 - "Living in a Way that Pleases God"

"What Does the Bible Really Teach?" (according to Jehovah's Witnesses)
Chapter 12 
Living in a Way that Pleases God.
The book says;
Jehovah chooses friends, just as humans do, looking for compatibility. Jehovah’s friends listen to his voice, obey him and please him. In return, God looks after his friends.
Satan challenged our motives for serving God, saying that we do so for selfish reasons. The story of Job is related in the book (see the OT Bible book for the full story - Job). We too, have an opportunity to show that we will serve God through thick and thin.
Satan uses all kinds of methods to turn us away from God. “Satan’s influence may be seen when friends, relatives or others oppose your efforts to study the Bible and apply what you learn….. Satan “keeps disguising himself as an angel of light“ (2 Corinthians 11:14)”.
We can answer Satan’s challenge by obeying Jehovah’s commandments listed in the box (p.122 English language version) which says;
”Shun what Jehovah hates: manslaughter, sexual immorality, spiritism, idolatry, drunkenness, stealing, lying, greed, violence, improper speech, misuse of blood, refusal to provide for one’s family participation in wars or political controversies of this world and use of tobacco or so-called recreational drugs”. 
“Some practices listed might not seem so bad”, but to follow them is the way to happiness and pleasing God, who does not ask more of us than we can reasonably do.
It’s not enough to hate what God hates. We must love what God loves too. Jehovah’s friends display “the fruitage of the spirit” (Galatians 5:22, 23)
“Strengthen your love for Jehovah” by reading the Bible. 
Pleasing God takes effort, like stripping off an old personality and donning a new one, but if we do so, we will give an answer to Satan’s challenge.
My response:
The Old Testament tells us about God’s many friends. In the New Testament, friendship and love of Jesus Christ is emphasised.  
Like many accounts, the poetic story of Job is very useful in laying out the universal conflict between God and Satan or Good and Evil.
Notice again, how the Watchtower teachers want you to react to your loved ones’ response to your Bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses and the behavioural changes you make in your life  
How fascinating that the Watchtower teachers quote 2 Corinthians 11:14 only partially! I have told you repeatedly to check your sources, including what I say to you. 
Look now, at the context (verses 12-15) and you will see that Paul is talking about false teachers who, like Satan, turn themselves into “ministers of righteousness”! 
There is quite a list of commandments on p122. If you exercise your “free will” and do not obey all of these, you will be expelled from the congregation and shunned by all Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Witnesses believe they are the most moral people on this planet. When one of their members is caught breaking any of these rules, they will be expelled “to keep the congregation clean” unless they repent and change their ways. The fact is, worldwide, tens of thousands of Witnesses are expelled each year, mostly for sexual sins, so they can hardly claim to be more moral than any other population.
There is another, much more serious problem though; all Witness crime is dealt with “in-house”. Congregation elders are instructed to phone the local Watchtower branch office for legal advice in cases of crimes such as child molestation. The legal department does not advise them to call Police unless local laws insist on this. 
Recently, the Australian Royal Commission uncovered over 1,000 cases among Jehovah's Witnesses in that country alone, in which child molesters had not been reported to the authorities. Most of these were allowed to remain as Jehovah’s Witnesses, in contact with children, because they had “shown repentance“.  This covering over of serious crime to avoid “bringing shame on Jehovah’s name” is common in Witness congregations worldwide and the 1,000 cases in Australia are but the tip of an iceberg.  
Compare the long list of rules in the book with Jesus’ two simple commands to Christians; “Love God and love your neighbour”. In these, the whole law is fulfilled. Jesus was telling us to avoid legalism and the rules that weighed down followers of the Jewish system, so why does the Watchtower leadership keep putting heavy burdens on the shoulders of Jehovah’s Witnesses, like the Pharisees in Jesus' day?
Christians desire to follow Christ and please him, so they are moved by conscience and love, to avoid practices harmful to themselves and others.
The “fruitage of the Spirit” is seen in those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, so despite human imperfection, those nine virtues are displayed in the lives of Christians. (Galatians 5:19-26). However, Jehovah’s Witnesses think they have to “work on” these, making an earnest effort to “be good”. They don’t know the Holy Spirit or have Him dwelling in them, as Jesus promised would happen 
“Being good” is all about “answering Satan’s challenge” which is very commendable, but it makes a lot of Jehovah’s Witnesses paranoid. They are constantly anxious about “displeasing Jehovah”. Contrast this with what Jesus Christ requires of us.

Further reading: 
Look at any Introductory book on Ethics by Peter Singer or Julian Baggini

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings #11 - Why Does God Allow Suffering?

"What Does the Bible Really Teach?" (according to Jehovah's Witnesses)
Chapter 11
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
The book says;
“Why?” is a popular question in times of war and disaster. “If Jehovah God is all-powerful, loving, wise and just, why is the  world so full of hatred and injustice?” It’s alright to ask that question because faithful Bible writers did so too.
Some religious leaders say it is God’s will for wickedness to occur, but “the Bible says, “It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong!” (Job 34:10)”.
Satan, not God, is the ruler of this world. “That is one reason why there is so much suffering”. then too, humans are imperfect and “struggle for dominance”, bringing “wars, oppression and suffering”. Thirdly, there is chance occurrence, being “in the wrong place at the wrong time”. 
While it is comforting to know Jehovah does not cause suffering, we have to ask “Why does Jehovah allow all this suffering? If he is the Almighty, he has the power to stop it“. It is all about God‘s “right to rule”, his sovereignty, which was challenged in Eden. 
We are given an illustration of a “clever, but rebellious student” who questions his teacher. Instead of throwing out the rebel from his class, the teacher allows him to demonstrate how he would solve the problem. When he fails, the teacher will be vindicated.
But “Why so long?” is asked. God has permitted Satan to rule for thousands of years of human history and has not helped him by preventing evil, as it might make Satan’s way look good. Jehovah will undo all the harm that has ever been done. Indeed, “we can be glad that he has not acted sooner, for his patience has given us the opportunity to learn the truth and to serve him”.
Jehovah has given us a “precious gift” which explains why he did not make Adam incapable of sinning; “humans were created with free will” and not as robots, or like animals, acting on instinct. “We are glad to have the freedom to make choices about what kind of person to become, what course of life to pursue, what friendships to form and so on”. Jehovah does not want “service under compulsion…. Satan, Adam annd Eve made the worst possible use of free will. They rejected Jehovah God. “What will you do?… you can join the millions who have taken a stand on Jehovah‘s side
My response:
Here again, are the age-old questions, “Why evil?” and “Why would an omnipotent, loving God not act?” The Watchtower’s answer is simplistic and selfish. It may be true that thousands of years of human history is but an instant in God’s eyes, but for many people, much of that time is spent in 70 year periods of misery, subject to random acts of nature and cruelty by other humans. The fact is, an omniscient God could have prevented it all. Perhaps all wrongs will be righted in the end and the past will seem like a bad dream, but this answer to the problem of evil is just a little too convenient.
Again, “the Bible says” a lot of things and it is not difficult to find a verse to support almost any hypothesis.
Only selfish people who are glad to have the opportunity to “join the club, just in time to save themselves” would have created such a self-centred God with weak excuses.
As for the Watchtower concept of "free will", it is conditional. Since the Watchtower likes human illustrations, what about this one? Which one of your children would you take with you on a lifeboat, leaving the others behind? That is a free will choice, is it not? Sure, you are free to take any one, but you can see the consequences. 

Similarly, if we do not choose to join the Watchtower religion, we will die. But it goes further - if, at some time in the future, you use your free will and it takes you contrary to “the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses“, you will be disfellowshipped and cut off. 
Also, if like millions of former Jehovah’s Witnesses, you realise that the Watchtower religion is false and has misled you and that there is no Armageddon and no paradise earth “soon”, will you be able to exercise your "precious gift of free will", to leave? Yes, but the consequence is emotional, spiritual, social and psychological death because every Jehovah’s Witness in the world, including your close family, will shun you forever after. Is that “free will”?

Further Reading:  The God of Philosophy -- Roy Jackson
Or any other introductory book on the philosophy of religion

Examining Basic Watchtower Teachings #10 - Spirit Creatures - How They Affect us.

"What Does the Bible Really Teach?" (according to Jehovah's Witnesses)
Chapter 10
Spirit Creatures - How They Affect Us
The book says;
We should want to get to know God’s family. It is made up of millions of angels. They were created by Jesus long before humans.
Angels have always had an interest in humans and God used them to help people like Lot, Daniel and Peter. Although they do not appear today, “God’s powerful angels still protect his people, especially from anything spiritually harmful”. Like the Devil, some angels were rebels. They came down to earth as humans, to take wives. At the Flood, these angels left their bodies behind and returned to heaven, taking sides with Satan.
The demons use spiritism to mislead people. One form of spiritism is divination. This includes tarot cards, astrology, palmistry, omens, signs, dreams and inquiring of the dead through spirit mediums. Spirits speak through the medium, pretending to be a dead relative.
If we wish to break free from spiritism, we need to follow the example of early Christians who burned their expensive magic books. “That includes books, magazines, movies, posters and music recordings that encourage the practice of spiritism” as well as “amulets or other items worn for protection against evil”. We need to put on spiritual armour to protect ourselves. One item is “the large shield of faith” which we can strengthen by daily Bible study. We can pray for Jehovah’s protection too. “Of course, we need to use Jehovah ‘s name in our prayers”.
If good spirits exist, then there is no reason why bad spirits also may exist, but we have to take the Bible’s word for it. Again, it’s a question of faith.
I have already pointed out the Watchtower leaders’ falsifying of scripture, here repeated from  Colossians. Jesus made ALL things, not “all other things”.
God’s angels probably do protect his people, but “his people” are Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, not disciples of the false Christ of the Watchtower.
Indeed, it is wise to separate ourselves from the black arts and spiritism, but it’s important not go crazy, throwing out all your jewellery or heavy metal CDs and posters just because someone disapproves (and I’m talking about overbearing Christians here too). Think about it carefully and use good judgement. If you love God and the ways of peace, you will naturally be inclined to turn away from nasty, aggressive entertainment.
As for the future, you do not need to be anxious or consult horoscopes to tell you how to live your life. People who consult astrologers do so in fear and uncertainty, but Christians have a secure future in Christ. We shouldn’t be afraid of demons because Christ holds his followers in his own hands, protecting them from evil.
There is another spirit deserving mention: the Holy Spirit. Contrary, to Watchtower teaching, the Holy Spirit is a person and not “an active force, like electricity”. While the Watchtower leaders accept that a spirit like Satan is a person who may communicate with humans, they deny the Holy Spirit, who has the same attributes as other spirits. We read of the Holy Spirit sending people, talking to them, advising them, influencing them and protecting them.
This denial by the Watchtower is because the Holy Spirit is a third aspect of God in the Christian teaching of the Trinity.


Sunday, 6 September 2015

Examining Watchtower Basic Teachings #7 --The Resurrection

What Does the Bible Really Teach? (according to Jehovah's Witnesses)
Chapter 7 -- The Resurrection
The book says this:
"Jehovah promises that the dead will live again". Several pages are spent on the account of Lazarus’ resurrection. (See John Chapter 11). This is just one of several occasions when Jesus raised humans from the dead. We can learn that the dead are really sleeping because none of them came back and spoke about an after-life. "The account of Lazarus also teaches us that the resurrection is a reality, not a mere myth" because there were eyewitnesses, among whom were Jesus’ enemies who would surely have denied his works, if untrue. The future resurrection is a fact because Jesus said so.
Jehovah knows the names of trillions of stars, so he can remember the details of everyone who has ever died and replicate them.
The "righteous and the unrighteous" will be raised into a paradise earth, free of crime, violence and the troubles of today. This "Judgement Day" will occur during one thousand years after Armageddon. Not everyone will be resurrected. Some people are eternally destroyed by God when they die because they were so bad. "Jehovah is the final judge".
There will be a resurrection to heaven too, but only for a select few. These will form a heavenly government with Jesus to reign over the paradise earth.

The resurrection to heaven is a key teaching of Christianity. It is a question of faith because there is no proof, unless we accept what the Bible says. The Church teaches that all sinners who put faith in Jesus will be raised to heaven. Read the Bible accounts and decide for yourself if it is possible for God to do such a thing. (Read John 3:1-21 and John 11).
When we love someone and admire them, we want to be with them, wherever they are, as much as possible, so it is perfectly normal for those who love Jesus to want to be in heaven with him. What will we do there? I don’t know. No-one does, but if you think about the number of galaxies in this universe, there are endless possibilities. It is something very desirable, whichever way it turns out.
Another thing the Witnesses won’t readily tell you is this; among the people who will never be resurrected is you, if you do not progress to be a Jehovah’s Witness. This is because you will have "rejected Jehovah" after being fully informed.
Others who will gain no resurrection are the 7 billion people alive today, who will be annihilated by Jehovah at Armageddon, since they too, have been informed by the extensive preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses ("extensive" and "worldwide" is what they want people to believe). Finally, this writer will be eternally destroyed and everyone like him, who dares to question the "glorious ones" of the Watchtower leadership. But don’t worry about me because it isn’t going to happen.
As mentioned previously, there is the contradiction regarding the resurrection to heaven. According to Watchtower teaching, the dead are all unconscious or sleeping, their brains having ceased to function at death, but somehow this doesn’t apply to the 144,000 who will be "instantly resurrected to life in heaven", with or without brains.