Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Watchtower's "Memorial" - Should I Attend Out of Respect for Jesus?

I apppreciate that many of you former Jehovah's Witnesses have no interest or desire to attend any religious meetings now, after your experiences in the Watchtower cult, but try to understand that some former Witnesses have a sincere faith in Jesus' teachings. This article on attendance at the annual "Memorial celebration" of Jehovah's Witnesses, is for them.

I'm prompted to write after receiving an email from a former Witness who wrote, "The memorial is coming up and I am getting all of the invitations but I do love Jesus and the god of the Bible........... so I think that I will have to make an appearance, but in my heart I will be grateful for them on my own terms".

This person hasn't been attending for some time, but feels obliged, out of her respect for Jesus Christ, to attend a meeting at a Watchtower "Kingdom Hall". This is a dilemma faced by many former Witnesses who have "faded away" from this cult.

They were told that this meeting is the most important in the calendar. To fail to attend is disrespectful of Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf, so each year, they go along, although they have no desire to return wholeheartedly to the Jehovah's Witness religion. There is also an element of religious superstition and fear here, for some. are hedging their bets, hoping that, if Armageddon comes "soon", "Jehovah" will have noticed their allegiance to "his organisation", which sponsors this blasphemous event.

Here is part of my reply to her, which I hope will help you too, if you are inclined to attend the Watchtower's ridiculous version of communion. Did I really say "ridiculous"? Yes. And you can find out why if you look at the extract below, from my blog article on "the ransom", which is one of the subjects covered in's basic teachings book.

Extract from my reply to correspondent:
Either way, you have a desire to follow Christ as a Christian and this is making you feel a need to attend the annual observance.

However, I have to ask you; Is attendance at a Watchtower meeting the best way to respect Christ's death and resurrection? Is there anything about the so-called Memorial that inspires us to be "true" Christians?

I personally believe that the Watchtower is not a Christian religion. Everything about it is founded on false teaching and even the JW words used in common with Christians - Bible, Jehovah, resurrection, Jesus, God - have their own Watchtower meaning, often far-removed from Christian or biblical meaning. Then there are the special Watchtower words - "torture stake", "earthly/heavenly hope", "remnant" "other sheep", "anointed", which have been manufactured to fit JW teachings which contradict the Bible/NT.

So, if you want to observe the death of Jesus and share in his last supper, where and how would be the best place to do it?

I don't think a "Kingdom Hall" is the best place because it means you are buying into JW superstition and falsehood and lending support to them.

I had the same problem when I left 20 years ago. I wasn't ready for church after all the lies I'd been told about their teachings, but I wanted to observe the meal "with Jesus". So, how, if I could not go to a church communion and I definitely knew that I had no wish to associate with the false teachings of the Watchtower?

I decided to observe at home, alone, as I had no-one with whom I could observe, but I felt confident that the spirit of God would be with me. So, I bought unleavened bread (matzohs) and wine and on the evening, I read the relevant scriptures, meditated on them, prayed and also took the bread and wine, since by this time, I understood that heaven is open to all.

Later, and now, I attend church when I can and take communion with others.

So there is an option for you and if you have any JW friends nearby, you could share the experience with them. This is not about "setting up a new religion". It's about observing the Christian religion ("Where two or three are gathered together in my name")..........

Extract from my blog article on "The ransom":

As for the Memorial, commemorated every Nisan 14 (a Jewish calendar date close to the Christian Easter date) by Jehovah’s Witnesses, consider the following.

In the Christian church, people take communion (bread and wine) regularly, sometimes daily or weekly, because Jesus told us to do it often. In most denominations, all in attendance are invited to do so. This act of worship reminds us of Christ’s last meal and his death and resurrection.

The Witnesses go to great pains to get everything "just right" on the night. The Kingdom Hall is specially cleaned and usually decorated with Spring flowers. They have very special bread which is unleavened and very special wine which is pure, unfortified and red. These are passed around for everyone present, but nearly everyone passes on the plate and glass without taking the bread or wine. Why? Because the Watchtower teaches that only a very select few may partake of "the emblems".

A Christian friend once said to me, "I cannot think of a better way to tell Jesus, "You’re not good enough for me". So, what do you, the student think? Is that showing appreciation for Christ’s body and blood?

If you are determined to continue your study with Jehovah’s Witnesses, you will find out shortly that in the Watchtower religion, there is a two class system for salvation. Worldwide, there are only a few thousand Witnesses who will go to heaven, so they take the bread and wine. Therefore, it is unlikely that in your congregation, you will ever see "the emblems" being taken. Indeed, people are actually told not to do so, unless they are "absolutely certain" that they have "the heavenly calling". However, as you keep studying the Bible, not the Watchtower, you will find that this destiny is available to everyone who follows Jesus.

So, for those of you who have received an invitation from diligent Jehovah's Witnesses and your relatives, ask yourself, "Do I really want to associate with a religion which tells lies? Why did I stop attending? Why would I wnat to renew my acquaintance with these false teachers? Is it because I am succumbing to superstition and fear? Is there not another way to be a Christian and to show respect for Jesus?"